
There isn’t currently anywhere you can go to get get a full list of all the amazing opportunities open to you in public service. So, as part of our commitment to connecting top talent to challenging and exciting roles in public service, we are trying to develop one – a job board to highlight vacancies around the country.

If you have an opportunity you’d like to share or you want to link your organisation to our site please get in touch and we’ll be happy to let our community know.

National opportunities

Prospects Explanation of Public Sector
Public services and administration |

Prospects Current vacancies
Search graduate jobs |

Bright Network Top 5 schemes in the Public Sector
Top 5 Graduate Schemes in the Public Sector | Bright Network

Bright Network Current vacancies
Public Sector & Government Graduate Jobs (

Targetjobs Explanation of Public Sector
Graduate jobs in public services and administration | targetjobs

Targetjobs Current vacancies
Jobs & opportunities – Search | targetjobs

Milkround Current vacancies
Graduate Public Sector jobs | Milkround

Government Current vacancies
Work and careers: Government graduate schemes – detailed information – GOV.UK ( Current vacancies
Graduate Public Sector jobs 2022 |

Regional opportunities

Coming soon – links to regional opportunities in public service