Inspiring a generation towards public service

Increasing the number and diversity of graduates entering front-line public service roles

Providing access to work experience opportunities in public service, including through our innovative Virtual Experience Programme

Connecting participants and amplifying their impact

Transform Society is the UK’s only specialist network promoting careers in public service. If you want to change people’s lives and help to build a fairer society, this is where you start.

We focus on driving engagement with employers and initiatives that tackle the social inequalities that blight the lives of the most vulnerable and trap them in a corrosive cycle of unfairness across the generations.

That means working with charities, central and local government, and other employers within public service, and universities and schools to build a better understanding of what public service is – including through our innovative Virtual Experience Programme, what it can do for people and how you can build a career in a sector that’s all about making a difference.

Transform Society will help you find the best focus for your talents in delivering social change and help you to deliver maximum impact.